
This guide teaches you how to:

  • Setup the tutorial’s virtual environment.
  • Install blowdrycss.
  • Walk through the /examplesite demo.
  • Auto-generate DRY CSS with blowdrycss.
  • Rapidly style HTML with encoded class syntax.
  • Access more in-depth information.


No assumptions are made about your level of proficiency with python.

If this tutorial seems too slow, then go to the Quick Start Guide.

Part 1 - Setup virtualenv and install blowdrycss

  • Python is required. Python 3.x is preferred. It can be downloaded here.

  • Check your python installation or version number. Open a command line interface (CLI), and enter the following command.

    > python

    Something like the following should appear.

    Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:38:48) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

    To exit type: exit().

  • Create a virtual environment. (For the purposes of this tutorial the project folder should be initially empty.)

    > pip install virtualenv
    > mkdir blowdrycss_tutorial
    > cd blowdrycss_tutorial
    > virtualenv
  • Activate the virtual environment. Verify initial state.

    > source bin/activate (linux, osx) or scripts\activate.bat (windows)
    > python
    >>> exit()
    > pip freeze
  • Install pandoc click here for os-specific instructions.

  • Install blowdrycss.

    > pip install blowdrycss
    > pip freeze
  • Deactivate virtual environment.

    > deactivate


pip install virtualenv Install virtual environment package from PyPi.

mkdir blowdrycss_tutorial Create a folder for this tutorial.

cd blowdrycss_tutorial Sets the current working directory to your web projects directory.

virtualenv Setup your project up as a virtual environment.

source bin/activate Activates the new virtual environment.

python Confirm the version of python that is installed.

exit() Exit python console.

pip freeze Shows all of the python packages that are currently installed in the virtual environment.

pip install blowdrycss Installs blowdrycss and related dependencies ‘inside’ of your virtual environment.

pip freeze Shows blowdrycss and the related dependencies after the install.

deactivate deactivates the virtual environment.

Good References:

Part 2 - Setup examplesite and run a local webserver.

  • Download the zip version of blowdrycss from the github repository.
  • Copy and paste the examplesite folder into the blowdrycss_tutorial folder created in Step 1.
  • cd examplesite
  • Run python -m http.server 8080 (Python 3.x) or python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 (Python 2.x) depending on your version of python. On Windows the firewall might complain. Tell it to allow this server to run.
  • Open a web browser and go to localhost:8080 by clicking here.
  • The page should contain lots of unstyled text and images. It should basically be a mess.
  • Go back to the command line interface (CLI). The local webserver can be stopped by pressing Ctrl + C or closing the window. If you want to keep the webserver running then you will need to open a separate CLI.

Part 3 - Auto-generate CSS

  • Look at the files inside of the examplesite folder. There should be the following:

  • Ensure that the current folder is blowdrycss_tutorial.

    > cd ..
  • Reactivate the virtualenv and run blowdrycss.

    > source bin/activate
    > blowdrycss
  • Look at the files inside of the examplesite folder again. There should be a new subfolder called css containing the files blowdry.css and blowdry.min.css.

  • Navigate to <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial/examplesite/css, and verify that blowdry.css and blowdry.min.css now exist.

  • A file blowdrycss_settings.py appears. This file can be used to modify or override default settings. Use of this file is documented in the Advanced Topics section.

  • Two new HTML files property_aliases.html and clashing_aliases.html also appear. There is more about these files in the Advanced Topics. In general, they document syntax that can (property_aliases) and cannot be used (clashing_aliases).

  • Open a web browser and go to localhost:8080.

  • The page should now be styled better. Keep in mind that some elements are intentionally left un-styled for tutorial purposes.


The CSS files blowdry.css and blowdry.min.css are auto-generated and not intended to be edited by humans.
Any manual changes made to these two files are overwritten when blowdrycss is run.
To test this delete the css folder, and run blowdrycss. The css will automatically appear under examplesite.

Part 4 - Apply new styles in index.html

Usage of Encoded Classes in HTML Tags

<div class="text-align-center margin-top-30">
    <p class="font-size-25">
        The font-size is 25px. <span class="green">Green Text</span>

blowdrycss decodes the class names text-align-center, margin-top-30, font-size-25, and green; and generates the following CSS in blowdry.css:

.text-align-center { text-align: center }
.margin-top-30 { margin-top: 30px }
.font-size-25 { font-size: 25px }
.green { color: green }

Lets actually style something.

  • Navigate to <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial/examplesite/

  • Open index.html

  • Go to line 12 and find:

    <h1 class="c-blue text-align-center display-medium-up font-size-48-s">
  • From the class attribute delete c-blue and replace it with the word green.

  • Change font-size-48-s to font-size-148-s.

  • The line should now look like this:

    <h1 class="green text-align-center display-medium-up font-size-148-s">
  • Save the changes.

  • Now refresh the web page running on localhost:8080.

  • What happened? Nothing happened because you need to run blowdrycss first. Sorry for the trick, but this is the most common reason why it doesn’t seem to be working.

  • Ensure that the current folder is <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial.

  • Run > blowdrycss

  • Now refresh the browser for the web page running on localhost:8080.

  • The title at the top of the page should be large and green.

Part 5 - Exploring the auto-generated CSS

  • Navigate to <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial/examplesite/css.

  • List the items in the directory ls or dir.

  • The following files should appear:

  • Both of these files contain the exact same style rules. The only difference is that the one with the *.min.css extension in minified. This means that it is smaller and takes less time to upload and download over the Internet. However, minified files are not designed to be human-readable. The *.css is designed to be human-readable.

  • Open each file and see the difference. The blowdry.css contains line breaks and whitespace. Whereas, blowdry.min.css is written as a single line with whitespace removed.

CSS is Auto-Generated

  • Look in blowdry.css for .green.

    .green {
        color: green
  • This is the actual CSS that was generated as a result of adding the green CSS class selector to the <h1> tag.

  • Change color: green to color: black.

  • Save blowdry.css.

  • Navigate back to <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial

  • Run blowdrycss.

  • Navigate to <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial/examplesite/css.

  • Look in blowdry.css for the .green class selector. The CSS is automatically changed from color: black back to color: green. The reason is that blowdry.css and blowdry.min.css are auto-generated. They are both completely overwritten every time blowdrycss is run. The auto-generated CSS files are not human-editable.

    .green {
        color: green


    The auto-generated CSS files blowdry.css and blowdry.min.css are not human-editable. They are both overwritten each time blowdrycss is run.

Part 6 - Experimentation

  • Center the image below the title with the class text-align-center in the <div> containing the image.
  • Now (without running blowdrycss) refresh the web page running on localhost:8080.
  • It worked. But why? The reason it worked is that text-align-center is already used in index.html, and is already defined in blowdry.min.css.

Padding Percentages and Decimals

  • Go back to index.html and find the ‘+ sign’ images named images/plus.png, and add the class padding-bottom-3p directly to the img class attribute to both of them. They are located at lines 19 and 21.

  • Ensure that the current folder is blowdrycss_tutorial.

  • Run > blowdrycss

  • Now refresh the web page running on localhost:8080.

  • The ‘+ sign’ images now appear closer to the vertical center, but not quite.

  • Open index.html and change one of the ‘+ sign’ image class selectors from padding-bottom-3p to padding-bottom-4_5p.

  • Ensure that the current folder is blowdrycss_tutorial.

  • Run > blowdrycss

  • Now refresh the web page running on localhost:8080.

  • The ‘+ sign’ image with the padding-bottom-4_5p is now closer to the vertical center.

  • What is going on here, and what do the p and the _ do?

  • To understand this better open up blowdry.css and search for padding-bottom-3p. The following CSS is found:

    .padding-bottom-3p {
        padding-bottom: 3%

    The 3p property value is converted into 3%. So the letter p allows the percentage sign % to be encoded.

  • Now search for padding-bottom-4_5p. The following CSS is found:

    .padding-bottom-4_5p {
        padding-bottom: 4.5%

    The 4_5p property value is converted into 4.5%. Meaning that the underscore _ represents the decimal point . character.

  • Generally, these encodings are necessary because characters like . and % are not allowed in class selector names (See here).

    • On an advanced note, it is possible to escape the . and the % characters in the CSS file like so:


      However, this is hard to read and non-standard CSS. Though it is valid. Therefore, escape characters are ignored and unsupported by blowdrycss. It is possible to learn more about escape characters here.

Shortcut and Multi-value CSS Properties

  • Apply these encoded class selectors to an image:

    border-10px-solid-black p-20-30-20-30 w-50


    border-10px-solid-black Add a solid black border that is 10px thick.

    p-20-30-20-30 Add 20px padding top and bottom. Add 30px padding left and right.

    w-50 Make the image 50px wide.
  • Ensure that the current folder is <path>/blowdrycss_tutorial.

  • Run > blowdrycss

More Practice

  • Change border-10px-solid-black to border-10px-dashed-cornflowerblue.

  • Apply display-none to a div.

  • Apply uppercase to any paragraph tag.

  • Feel free to continue experimenting with different property names and values.

    More information about how to write well-form encoded class names is found on the Syntax – Encoded Class Formatting Rules page.

Want to learn more?

Head on over to Advanced Topics.