Advanced Topics =============== .. index:: single: Advanced Topics - Use `watchdog `__ to automate CSS compilation. - Learn about :doc:`clashing_aliases` and :doc:`property_aliases`. - How to change settings in ````. - Customizing the alias dictionary. - Where are the semicolons? - How to build a plugin. [todo] - Pro-tip: Want to share your site with a client, co-worker, or colleague. Use `ngrok `__. - DRYness - Syntax Guide Automate CSS Compilation with Watchdog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Watchdog - Having to run ``blowdrycss`` can annoying in a development environment. - What if it were possible to auto-detect that ``index.html`` was saved and automatically run ``blowdrycss``? - It is possible with `watchdog `__. .. note:: As of version ``0.1.3`` this is now much easier. Enable watchdog ''''''''''''''' - If the virtualenv is not already active, then activate the virtualenv with ``source/bin activate``. - Navigate to ``/blowdrycss_tutorial``. - Open ````. - Set ``auto_generate = True``. - Run ``blowdrycss``. - Notice that what is printed differs from the default mode. - Test it by saving a change to one of the project files e.g. change ``/blowdryexample/examplesite/index.html``. Setting Customization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first time the ``blowdrycss`` command is run a file is auto-generated in the current directory named ````. This file provide the ability to override the default settings for a given project. It is possible to change the directories, file types to discover, unit conversion, output file type, media query breakpoints, and more. Find Non-matching classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the encoded class name contains a typo or invalid value e.g. ``ppadding-5``, ``margin-A``, ``font-color-h000rem``, or ``squirrel-gray`` it will be placed in ``removed_class_set``. The variable ``removed_class_set`` is found in ``ClassPropertyParser()`` inside of ````. One day this may be placed an HTML file for easier discovery of typos or invalid syntax. Customize Aliases: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New custom aliases can be assigned as shorthand abbreviation for an official CSS property. - Open the auto-generated settings file ````. - Edit ``custom_property_alias_dict``. **Custom Alias Syntax:** | custom_property_alias_dict (*dict*) -- Contains customized shorthand encodings for a CSS property name. e.g. ``'c-'`` is an alias for ``'color'``. This saves on typing. | These encoded class selectors can be used inside of Web project files matching ``blowdrycss_settings.file_type``. They can be customized to your liking. **Custom Alias Rules:** - The dictionary ``key`` is the official `W3C CSS property name `__. Also the ``key`` must exist in the set ``datalibrary.DataLibrary.property_names``, as follows: :: { 'azimuth', 'background', 'background-attachment', 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-position', 'background-repeat', 'border', 'border-bottom', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-bottom-style', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-collapse', 'border-color', 'border-left', 'border-left-color', 'border-left-style', 'border-left-width', 'border-right', 'border-right-color', 'border-right-style', 'border-right-width', 'border-spacing', 'border-style', 'border-top', 'border-radius', 'border-top-left-radius', 'border-top-right-radius', 'border-bottom-right-radius', 'border-bottom-left-radius', 'border-top-color', 'border-top-style', 'border-top-width', 'border-width', 'bottom', 'caption-side', 'clear', 'clip', 'color', 'content', 'counter-increment', 'counter-reset', 'cue', 'cue-after', 'cue-before', 'cursor', 'direction', 'display', 'elevation', 'empty-cells', 'float', 'font', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'height', 'left', 'letter-spacing', 'line-height', 'list-style', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', 'list-style-type', 'margin', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'margin-top', 'max-height', 'max-width', 'min-height', 'min-width', 'opacity', 'orphans', 'outline', 'outline-color', 'outline-style', 'outline-width', 'overflow', 'padding', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'padding-top', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-before', 'page-break-inside', 'pause', 'pause-after', 'pause-before', 'pitch', 'pitch-range', 'play-during', 'position', 'quotes', 'richness', 'right', 'speak', 'speak-header', 'speak-numeral', 'speak-punctuation', 'speech-rate', 'stress', 'table-layout', 'text-align', 'text-decoration', 'text-indent', 'text-shadow', 'text-transform', 'top', 'unicode-bidi', 'vertical-align', 'visibility', 'voice-family', 'volume', 'white-space', 'widows', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'z-index' } .. note:: If a new key is added to the official W3C CSS standard, but not listed here feel free to raise an issue in the `code repository `__. - The dictionary ``value`` is a ``set()`` of custom string aliases. For example: :: {'bgc-', 'bg-c-', 'bg-color-', } - When adding a new alias it must end with a ``'-'``. As an example, ``'bgc-'`` is a valid custom alias format. If the ``'-'`` is removed, then blowdrycss assumes that ``'bgc'`` expects it to be a valid and unique CSS property value (*which it is not*). An example of a valid, unique CSS property value would be ``'bold'``. - An alias must be unique across all defined aliases. Any alias that clashes with an alias in this dictionary or the dictionary auto-generated by ``DataLibrary.initialize_property_alias_dict()`` is removed, and becomes unusable. - Clashing aliases are: - Printed when ``get_clashing_aliases()`` is run. - Automatically added to the ``project_directory`` as ``clashing_alias.html``. - Automatically added to the sphinx docs and can be found under ``/docs/clashing_aliases.rst`` (*requires sphinx*). **Custom Alias Examples:** - To add a new alias ``'azi'`` for CSS property ``'azimuth'`` add the ``{key: value, }`` pair ``{'azimuth': {'azi-'}, }`` to custom_property_alias_dict. Defining ``'azi-'`` allows the following encoded class selector syntax: :: 'azi-left-side', 'azi-far-left', ..., 'azi-rightwards'
Azimuth applied to a DIV
**Aliases already known to clash are:** :: 'background-color': {'bc-'}, 'border-color': {'bc-', 'border-c-'}, 'border-collapse': {'bc-', 'border-c-'}, 'border-style': {'border-s-', 'bs-'}, 'border-spacing': {'border-s-', 'bs-'}, 'border-right': {'br-'}, 'background-repeat': {'br-'}, 'font-style': {'fs-', 'font-s-'}, 'font-size': {'fs-', 'font-s-'}, 'list-style': {'ls-'}, 'letter-spacing': {'ls-'}, 'max-height': {'mh-'}, 'min-height': {'mh-'}, 'max-width': {'mw-'}, 'min-width': {'mw-'}, 'pause-before': {'pb-'}, 'padding-bottom': {'pb-'}, 'padding-right': {'pr-'}, 'pitch-range': {'pr-'}, 'white-space': {'ws-'}, 'word-spacing': {'ws-'}, Where are the semicolons in the CSS file? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After opening ``blowdry.css``, it becomes evident that semicolons are not used for most of the css rule declarations. Sample ``blowdry.css`` contents :: .padding-5 { padding: 0.3125em } .margin-top-50px { margin-top: 3.125em } .t-align-center { text-align: center } .padding-10 { padding: 0.625em } .display-none { display: none } .height-150px { height: 9.375em } .margin-25 { margin: 1.5625em } Why? '''' - The only or last css rule { property: value } is not required to end with a semicolon. `See section 4.1.8 of the current CSS Standard. `__ - The auto--generated file ``blowdry.css`` is not intended to be human-editable. Any manual edits are over--written when ``blowdrycss`` is run. Generally, when building a CSS file by hand it is considered best practise to always include the final semicolon. The reason being that human--error is reduced the next time a person adds a rule to the CSS block. However, this does not apply for a file that is only machine--edited. - It is compatible with all browsers. - It results in slightly faster page loads due to smaller ``*.css`` file size. DRY-ness must be balanced with other factors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider the following: .. code:: html
This is a case were the DRY principle is subsumed by the value of readability, brevity, and encapsulation. Creating a custom CSS class selector in this case might be warranted. Also, just because this tool can decode the class .. code-block:: html t-shadow-n2px-2px-4px-rgba-0-0-0-0_5 that doesn't mean it is intended to be frequently used in this manner. My CSS is DRY, but my HTML is not. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Copying and pasting something like .. code-block:: html p-10-20-11-22 h-50 w-50 talign-center orange font-size-16 margin-top-30 twenty times in an HTML file is not that DRY from an HTML perspective. If this is happening, then it might be valuable to pause and hand-craft a CSS class for this repeating class selector pattern. Syntax Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue to :doc:`syntax`.