Source code for scalingparser

# python 2
from __future__ import absolute_import

# plugins
from cssutils.css import Property

# custom
from blowdrycss.utilities import deny_empty_or_whitespace
from blowdrycss.unitparser import UnitParser
from blowdrycss_settings import small, medium, large

__author__ = 'chad nelson'
__project__ = 'blowdrycss'

# TODO: Handle negative numbers, or list as unsupported.
# TODO: Should it be possible to switch between scaling up and scaling down?
[docs]class ScalingParser(object): """ Enables powerful responsive @media query generation via screen size suffixes. **Scaling Flag:** Append ``'-s'`` to the end of an encoded property values to scale the value up and down based on screen size. Note: This only works on property values containing distance--based units (pixels, em, etc). - General format: ``<name>-<value>-s`` - Specific case: ``font-size-24-s`` - Priority ``!important`` case: ``font-size-24-s-i`` - (``'-i'`` *is always last*) **Responsive Scaling Ratios:** - Assuming ``font-size-24-s`` is the encoded css class, the font-size will respond to the screen size according to the following table: +-------------+-------------------+----------------+------+-------+ | Screen Size | Trigger Range | Scaling Factor | px | em | +-------------+-------------------+----------------+------+-------+ | XLarge | > 1024 or 64.0em | 1 | 24 | 1.5 | +-------------+-------------------+----------------+------+-------+ | Large | > 720px & <= 1024 | 1.043 | 23.0 | 1.438 | +-------------+-------------------+----------------+------+-------+ | Medium | < 720px or 45.0em | 1.125 | 21.3 | 1.333 | +-------------+-------------------+----------------+------+-------+ | Small | < 480px or 30.0em | 1.25 | 19.2 | 1.2 | +-------------+-------------------+----------------+------+-------+ **Important Note about cssutils** Currently, ``cssutils`` does not support parsing media queries. Therefore, media queries need to be built, minified, and appended separately. :type css_class: str :type css_property: Property() :param css_class: Potentially encoded css class that may or may not be parsable. May not be empty or None. :param css_property: Valid CSS Property as defined by ``cssutils.css.Property``. :return: None **Examples:** >>> scaling_parser = ScalingParser(css_class='font-weight-24-s') """ def __init__(self, css_class='', css_property=Property()): deny_empty_or_whitespace(css_class, variable_name='css_class') deny_empty_or_whitespace(css_property.cssText, variable_name='css_property') self.css_class = css_class self.css_property = css_property self.scale_dict = { 'large': 1.043, 'medium': 1.125, 'small': 1.25, } self.scaling_flag = '-s' self.is_scaling = self._is_scaling() def _is_scaling(self): """ Return False if ``self.property_name`` does not have default units of ``'px'``. Test if ``self.css_class`` contains the scaling flag ``-s``. Returns True if ``-s`` is found and False otherwise. **Rules:** - The ``self.property_name`` must possess units of pixels ``'px'``. - If no property priority is set the encoded ``css_class`` must end with ``-s``. - If priority is set the encoded ``css_class`` must end with ``-s-i``. :return: (*bool*) -- Returns True if ``-s`` is found and False otherwise. **Examples** >>> scaling_parser = ScalingParser(css_class='font-weight-24-s') >>> scaling_parser._is_scaling() True >>> scaling_parser.css_class = 'font-weight-24-s-i' >>> scaling_parser._is_scaling() True >>> scaling_parser.css_class = 'font-weight-24' >>> scaling_parser._is_scaling() False """ unit_parser = UnitParser( if unit_parser.default_units() != 'px': return False else: return self.css_class.endswith(self.scaling_flag) or self.css_class.endswith(self.scaling_flag + '-i')
[docs] def strip_scaling_flag(self): """ Remove the ``scaling_flag`` from ``css_class`` if possible and return the clean css class. Otherwise, return the ``css_class`` unchanged. **Rules** - Remove ``-s`` if found at end of a string - Remove ``-s`` if ``-s-i`` is found at the end of the string. :return: (*str*) -- If the ``css_class`` is scaling remove the ``scaling_flag`` and return the clean css class. Otherwise, return the ``css_class`` unchanged. **Examples:** >>> scaling_parser = ScalingParser(css_class='font-size-32-s', name='font-size') >>> scaling_parser.strip_scaling_flag() font-size-32 >>> scaling_parser.css_class = 'font-size-56-s-i' >>> scaling_parser.strip_scaling_flag() font-size-56-i >>> scaling_parser.css_class = 'font-size-14' >>> scaling_parser.strip_scaling_flag() font-size-14 """ if self.css_class.endswith(self.scaling_flag): return self.css_class[:-2] if self.css_class.endswith(self.scaling_flag + '-i'): return self.css_class[:-4] + '-i' return self.css_class
[docs] def build_media_query(self): """ Returns CSS media queries that scales pixel / em values in response to screen size changes. **Generated CSS for ``font-size-24-s`` minus the inline comments & line breaks**:: // Default size above medium .font-size-24-s { font-size: 24px; } // medium screen font size reduction @media only screen and (max-width: 64.0em) { .font-size-24-s { font-size: 23.0px; } } // medium screen font size reduction @media only screen and (max-width: 45.0em) { .font-size-24-s { font-size: 21.3px; } } // small screen font size reduction @media only screen and (max-width: 30.0em) { .font-size-24-s { font-size: 19.2px; } } **Priority !important -- Generated CSS for ``font-size-24-s-i`` minus the inline comments & line breaks**:: // Default size above the maximum 'medium' width breakpoint. .font-size-24-s-i { font-size: 24px !important; } // medium screen font size reduction @media only screen and (max-width: 64.0em) { .font-size-24-s-i { font-size: 23.0px !important; } } // Apply 'medium' screen font size reduction. @media only screen and (max-width: 45.0em) { .font-size-24-s-i { font-size: 21.3px !important; } } // Apply 'small' screen font size reduction. @media only screen and (max-width: 30.0em) { .font-size-24-s-i { font-size: 19.2px !important; } } :return: (*str*) -- Returns CSS media queries that scales pixel / em values in response to screen size changes. """ if not self.is_scaling: return '' name = value = self.css_property.value units = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x.isalpha(), value)) # Only keep letters. priority = self.css_property.priority deny_empty_or_whitespace(str(value), variable_name='value') float_value = float(value.replace(units, '')) # Remove units. _max = 1 large_property = Property(name=name, value=value, priority=priority) medium_property = Property(name=name, value=value, priority=priority) small_property = Property(name=name, value=value, priority=priority) large_value = round(float_value / self.scale_dict['large'], 4) # Scale to large screen large_property.value = str(large_value) + units # Add units medium_value = round(float_value / self.scale_dict['medium'], 4) # Scale to medium screen medium_property.value = str(medium_value) + units # Add units small_value = round(float_value / self.scale_dict['small'], 4) # Scale to small screen small_property.value = str(small_value) + units # Add units return ( '.' + self.css_class + ' { ' + self.css_property.cssText + '; }\n\n' + '@media only screen and (max-width: ' + large[_max] + ') {\n' + '\t.' + self.css_class + ' { ' + large_property.cssText + '; }\n' + '}\n\n' + '@media only screen and (max-width: ' + medium[_max] + ') {\n' + '\t.' + self.css_class + ' { ' + medium_property.cssText + '; }\n' + '}\n\n' + '@media only screen and (max-width: ' + small[_max] + ') {\n' + '\t.' + self.css_class + ' { ' + small_property.cssText + '; }\n' + '}\n\n' )