Source code for fontparser

# python 2
from __future__ import absolute_import

__author__ = 'chad nelson'
__project__ = 'blowdrycss'

# TODO: Consider what it would take to handle shorthand property 'font'.
[docs]class FontParser(object): """ **Features:** - Parses unquoted font families. Unquoted Font-Family References: | | - Holds a basic ``font_families_dict`` (could be extended as desired): | Keys: ``font-family`` category names | Values: ``font-family`` member names - Can generate web safe fallback fonts. Assumes that the property_name is ``font-family``. It does not handle the shorthand property_name ``font`` **Examples:** >>> font_parser = FontParser('papyrus') >>> font_parser.generate_fallback_fonts() 'papyrus, fantasy' """ def __init__(self, font_value=''): self.font_value = font_value self.font_families_dict = { 'serif': { 'georgia', 'palatino', 'times', 'cambria', 'didot', 'garamond', 'perpetua', 'rockwell', 'baskerville', }, 'sans-serif': { 'arial', 'helvetica', 'gadget', 'cursive', 'impact', 'charcoal', 'tahoma', 'geneva', 'verdana', 'calibri', 'candara', 'futura', 'optima', }, 'monospace': {'courier', 'monaco', 'consolas', }, 'fantasy': {'copperplate', 'papyrus', }, }
[docs] def generate_fallback_fonts(self): """ Generates web safe fallback fonts Reference: :return: (str) -- Returns a web safe fallback font string. **Examples:** >>> font_parser = FontParser('arial') >>> font_parser.generate_fallback_fonts() 'arial, sans-serif' >>> font_parser.font_value = 'monospace' 'monospace' >>> font_parser.font_value = 'invalid' '' """ fallback = '' # set default font to empty string if self.font_value in self.font_families_dict: fallback = self.font_value # font_value 'monospace' returns 'monospace' else: for family, fonts in self.font_families_dict.items(): if self.font_value in fonts: fallback = self.font_value + ", " + family # font_value 'arial' returns 'arial, sans-serif' return fallback
# TODO: Consider the handling of multi-word double quoted fonts i.e. "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", etc. # Seems complicated. # could use 'qq', 'q--q' or 'dq' to indicate double-quotes e.g. # 'qqPalatino-Linotypeqq' - confusing 'Linotype' looks like 'Linotypeg'. The letter 'q' looks like a 'g' at the end. # 'q-Palatino-Linotype-q' - might work # 'dqPalatino-Linotypedq' - confusing 'Linotype' becomes 'Linotyped'. The letter 'd' commonly ends words.