Source code for classpropertyparser

""" Parser for extracting CSS property names, values, and priorities from set of CSS Class Selectors. These class
selectors are gathered externally by the ``HTMLClassParser()``.

| CSS Unit Reference:
| CSS Value Reference:

    | class_set (*set*) -- A set() of potential css properties.

**Returns:** Object of Type ClassPropertyParser


Give this HTML: ``<div class="super-5 h-16-i padding-2 margin-10">Hello</div>``
The HTMLClassParser() would extract the following ``class_set``.

>>> class_set = {'super-5', 'h-16-i', 'PADDING-2', 'margin-10', }
>>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser(class_set)
>>> # Note that 'super-5' was removed.
>>> print(property_parser.class_set)
{'h-16-i', 'padding-2', 'margin-10'}
>>> css_class = list(property_parser.class_set)[0]
>>> print(css_class)
>>> name = property_parser.get_property_name(css_class=css_class)
>>> # Decodes 'h-' to 'height'
>>> print(name)
>>> # Could throw a ValueError.
>>> # See for an example of how to handle it.
>>> encoded_property_value = property_parser.get_encoded_property_value(
>>>     property_name=name,
>>>     css_class=css_class
>>> )
>>> print(encoded_property_value)
>>> priority = property_parser.get_property_priority(css_class=css_class)
>>> print(priority)
>>> value = property_parser.get_property_value(
>>>     property_name=name,
>>>     encoded_property_value=encoded_property_value
>>> )
>>> print(value)    # Note the unit conversion from px_to_em.


# python 2
from __future__ import absolute_import
# builtins
from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
from re import findall
# plugins
from cssutils import parseString
# custom
from blowdrycss.datalibrary import ordered_property_dict, property_alias_dict, property_regex_dict, \
    pseudo_classes, pseudo_elements
from blowdrycss.utilities import deny_empty_or_whitespace
from blowdrycss.cssvalueparser import CSSPropertyValueParser

__author__ = 'chad nelson'
__project__ = 'blowdrycss'

[docs]class ClassPropertyParser(object): def __init__(self, class_set=set()): css = '''/* Generated with blowdrycss. */''' self.sheet = parseString(css) self.rules = [] self.importance_designator = '-i' # '-i' is used to designate that the priority level is '!important' self.pseudo_class = '' self.pseudo_element = '' self.removed_class_set = set() self.class_set = class_set self.clean_class_set() # print('clean ran')
[docs] def class_set_to_lowercase(self): """ Converts member variable self.class_set to lowercase. :return: None """ self.class_set = {css_class.lower() for css_class in self.class_set}
[docs] @staticmethod def underscores_valid(css_class=''): """ Validate underscore usage in a single css_class. In general, underscores are only allowed to designate a decimal point between two numbers. **Rules:** - Strip all whitespace in front and back. - Underscores are only valid between digits - ``[0-9]_[0-9]`` allowed - ``_35`` not allowed - ``42_`` not allowed - ``bold_px`` not allowed - If found in the middle of a string it may begin and/or end with ``-`` - ``1_2-5_75-1_2-5_75`` allowed - String may start with ``n`` to designate negative numbers. - ``n5_25cm`` allowed. - String may not start with ``-`` - ``-7_2`` not allowed. - String may not end with ``-`` - ``5_4-`` not allowed :type css_class: str :param css_class: Accepts a single CSS class extracted from HTML class attribute. :return: boolean **True cases:** >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('6_3') True >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('2_456em') True >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('1_2-5_75-1_2-5_75') True >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('n5_25cm-n6_1cm') True **False cases:** >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('-7_2') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('5_4-') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('_b') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('b_') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('padding--_2') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('2_rem') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('m_px') False >>> ClassPropertyParser.underscores_valid('__') False """ # TODO: Replace with regex. # The underscore and dash is not allowed to be the first or last character of css_class. css_class = css_class.strip() # Remove any surrounding whitespace. if (css_class[0] == '_' or css_class[-1] == '_' or css_class[0] == '-' or css_class[-1] == '-'): return False # Check character before and after underscore index. index = css_class.find('_') allowed_before = set(digits) allowed_after = set(digits) if index > 0: # Underscore is not the first character. valid = set(css_class[index-1]) <= allowed_before # Check Character before valid = valid and set(css_class[index+1]) <= allowed_after # Check Character after. else: valid = True return valid
[docs] def clean_class_set(self): """ Detect and Remove invalid css classes from class_set Class names must abide by: For purposes of this project only a SUBSET of the CSS standard is permissible as follows: - Encoded classes shall not be ``None`` or ``''``. - Encoded shall not contain whitespace (handled implicitly by subsequent rules). - Encoded classes are only allowed to begin with ``[a-z]`` - Encoded classes are only allowed to end with ``[a-z0-9]`` - Encoded classes are allowed to contain ``[_a-z0-9-]`` between the first and last characters. - Underscores are only valid between digits ``[0-9]_[0-9]`` **Reference:** :return: None """ # Normalize class data by setting all strings to lowercase first. self.class_set_to_lowercase() # Validate against character sets. allowed_first = set(ascii_lowercase) allowed_middle = set(ascii_lowercase + digits + '_-') allowed_last = set(ascii_lowercase + digits) # Gather invalid_css_classes invalid_css_classes = [] reasons = [] # 'continue' is used to prevent the same css_class from being added to the invalid_css_classes multiple times. for css_class in self.class_set: if not css_class: # None or '' invalid_css_classes.append(css_class) reasons.append(' (May not be None or "".)') continue if not set(css_class[0]) <= allowed_first: # First character invalid_css_classes.append(css_class) reasons.append(' (Only a-z allowed for first character of class.)') continue if not set(css_class) <= allowed_middle: # All characters invalid_css_classes.append(css_class) reasons.append(' (Only a-z, 0-9, "_", and "-" are allowed in class name.)') continue if not set(css_class[-1]) <= allowed_last: # Last character invalid_css_classes.append(css_class) reasons.append(' (Only a-z and 0-9 allowed for last character of class.)') continue if not self.underscores_valid(css_class=css_class): # Underscore invalid_css_classes.append(css_class) reasons.append(' (Invalid underscore usage in class.)') continue # Remove invalid_css_classes from self.class_set for i, invalid_css_class in enumerate(invalid_css_classes): self.class_set.remove(invalid_css_class) self.removed_class_set.add(invalid_css_class + reasons[i])
# Property Name Section #
[docs] @staticmethod def get_property_name(css_class=''): """ Extract a property name from a given class. **Rules:** - Classes that use css property names or aliases must set a property value. **Valid:** - ``font-weight-700`` is valid because ``700`` is a valid ``font-weight`` value. - ``fw-700`` is valid because it ``fw-`` is a valid alias for ``font-weight`` - ``bold`` is valid because the ``bold`` alias implies a property name of ``font-weight`` **Invalid:** - ``font-weight`` by itself is a property name, but does not include a property value. - ``fw-`` by itself is a property alias, but does not include a property value. - ``700`` does imply ``font-weight``, but is not a valid CSS selector as it may not begin with a number. :type css_class: str :param css_class: A class name containing a property name and value pair, or just a property value from which the property name may be inferred. :return: (str) -- Class returns the property_name OR if unrecognized returns ``''``. """ for property_name, aliases in ordered_property_dict.items(): # Try identical 'key' match first. An exact css_class match must also end with a '-' dash to be valid. if css_class == property_name or css_class == (property_name + '-'): # No property value included. return '' if css_class.startswith(property_name + '-'): return property_name # Sort the aliases by descending string length # This is necessary when the css_class == 'bolder' since 'bold' appears before 'bolder' aliases = sorted(aliases, key=len, reverse=True) # Try matching with alias. An alias is not required to end with a dash, but could if it is an abbreviation. for alias in aliases: if css_class == alias and alias.endswith('-'): # No property value included. return '' if css_class.startswith(alias): return property_name # Try matching a regex pattern. try: regexes = property_regex_dict[property_name] for regex in regexes: if len(findall(regex, css_class)) == 1: return property_name except KeyError: pass # No match found. return ''
[docs] @staticmethod def strip_property_name(property_name='', css_class=''): """ Strip property name from css_class if applicable and return the css_class. :raises ValueError: If either property_name or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type property_name: str :type css_class: str :param property_name: Presumed to match a key or value in the ``property_alias_dict``. :param css_class: This value may or may not be identical to the property_value. :return: (str) -- Returns the encoded property value portion of the css_class. **Examples:** >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_property_name('padding', 'padding-1-2-1-2') '1-2-1-2' >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_property_name('font-weight', 'bold') 'bold' >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_property_name('', 'padding-1-2-1-2') ValueError >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_property_name('font-weight', ' ') ValueError """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=css_class, variable_name='css_class') deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=property_name, variable_name='property_name') property_name += '-' # Append '-' to property to match the class format. if css_class.startswith(property_name): # Strip property name return css_class[len(property_name):] else: # If it doesn't have a property name ignore it. return css_class
[docs] @staticmethod def alias_is_abbreviation(possible_alias=''): """ Detects if the alias is an abbreviation e.g. ``fw-`` stands for ``font-weight-``. Abbreviated aliases are found in ``datalibrary.property_alias_dict``. :type possible_alias: str :param possible_alias: A value that might be an alias. :return: (bool) -- True if possible_alias ends with a dash ``-``. **Examples:** >>> ClassPropertyParser.alias_is_abbreviation('fw-') True >>> ClassPropertyParser.alias_is_abbreviation('bold') False """ return possible_alias.endswith('-')
[docs] def get_property_abbreviations(self, property_name=''): """ Returns a list of all property abbreviations appearing in ``property_alias_dict``. :raises KeyError: If ``property_name`` is not found in ``property_alias_dict``. :param property_name: :return: (list) -- A list of all property abbreviations appearing in ``property_alias_dict``. **Example:** Assume the following key, value pair occurs in ``property_alias_dict``: ``'background-color': {'bgc-', 'bg-c-', 'bg-color-', },`` >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser() >>> property_parser.get_property_abbreviations('background-color') ['bgc-', 'bg-c-', 'bg-color-'] >>> property_parser.get_property_abbreviations('invalid_property_name') KeyError """ property_abbreviations = list() for alias in property_alias_dict[property_name]: if self.alias_is_abbreviation(possible_alias=alias): property_abbreviations.append(alias) return property_abbreviations
[docs] def strip_property_abbreviation(self, property_name='', css_class=''): """ Strip property abbreviation from css_class if applicable and return the result. :raises ValueError: If either property_name or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type property_name: str :type css_class: str :param property_name: Presumed to match a key or value in the ``property_alias_dict`` :param css_class: Initially this value may or may not contain the property_name. :return: (str) -- Returns the encoded property value portion of the css_class. **Examples:** >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser() >>> property_parser.strip_property_abbreviation('color', 'c-lime') 'lime' >>> property_parser.strip_property_abbreviation('', 'c-lime') ValueError >>> property_parser.strip_property_abbreviation('color', ' ') ValueError """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=css_class, variable_name='css_class') deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=property_name, variable_name='property_name') property_abbreviations = self.get_property_abbreviations(property_name=property_name) for property_abbreviation in property_abbreviations: if css_class.startswith(property_abbreviation): return css_class[len(property_abbreviation):] return css_class
# Property Value #
[docs] def get_encoded_property_value(self, property_name='', css_class=''): """ Strip property name or alias abbreviation prefix from front, pseudo item, and property priority designator. Returns the encoded_property_value. The term encoded_property_value means a property value that represents a css property value, and may or may not contain dashes and underscores. :raises ValueError: If either property_name or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type property_name: str :type css_class: str :param property_name: Name of CSS property that matches a key in ``property_alias_dict``. :param css_class: An encoded css class selector that may contain property name, value, and priority designator. :return: (str) -- Returns only the encoded_property_value after the name and priority designator are stripped. **Examples:** >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser() >>> property_parser.get_encoded_property_value('font-weight', 'fw-bold-i') # abbreviated property_name 'bold' >>> property_parser.get_encoded_property_value('padding', 'padding-1-10-10-5-i') # standard property_name '1-10-10-5' >>> property_parser.get_encoded_property_value('height', 'height-7_25rem-i') # contains underscores '7_25rem' >>> property_parser.get_encoded_property_value('font-style', 'font-style-oblique') # no priority designator 'oblique' >>> property_parser.get_encoded_property_value('', 'c-lime') ValueError >>> property_parser.get_encoded_property_value('color', ' ') ValueError """ css_class = self.strip_property_name(property_name, css_class) css_class = self.strip_property_abbreviation(property_name, css_class) css_class = self.strip_pseudo_item(css_class) encoded_property_value = self.strip_priority_designator(css_class) return encoded_property_value
[docs] @staticmethod def get_property_value(property_name='', encoded_property_value=''): """ Accepts an encoded_property_value that's been stripped of it's property named and priority Uses CSSPropertyValueParser, and returns a valid css property value or ''. Usage Note: Invalid CSS values can be returned by this method. CSS validation occurs at a later step. :raises ValueError: If either property_name or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type property_name: str :type encoded_property_value: str :param property_name: Name of CSS property that matches a key in ``property_alias_dict``. :param encoded_property_value: A property value that may or may not contain dashes and underscores. :return: (str) -- An unvalidated / potential CSS property value. **Examples:** >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser(set(), False) # Turn OFF unit conversion. >>> property_parser.get_property_value('font-weight', 'bold') # Special case: alias == property value 'bold' >>> property_parser.get_property_value('padding', '1-10-10-5') # Multi-value encoding contains dashes. '1px 10px 10px 5px' >>> property_parser.get_property_value('width', '7_25rem') # Single value contains underscores. '7.25rem' >>> property_parser.get_property_value('margin', '1ap-10xp-3qp-1mp3') # Invalid CSS returned. '1a% 10x% 3q% 1mp3' >>> property_parser.get_property_value('', 'c-lime') ValueError >>> property_parser.get_property_value('color', ' ') ValueError """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=property_name, variable_name='property_name') deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=encoded_property_value, variable_name='encoded_property_value') value_parser = CSSPropertyValueParser(property_name=property_name) value = value_parser.decode_property_value(value=encoded_property_value) return value
# Property Priority #
[docs] def is_important(self, css_class=''): """ Tests whether the css_class ends with the importance_designator. :raises ValueError: If the css_class is empty or only contain whitespace values. :type css_class: str :param css_class: An encoded css class selector that may contain property name, value, and priority designator. :return: (bool) -- Returns True if the css_class ends with the importance_designator. Otherwise, returns False. **Examples:** >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser() >>> property_parser.is_important('line-through-i') True >>> property_parser.is_important('line-through') False >>> property_parser.is_important('') ValueError >>> property_parser.is_important(' ') ValueError """ css_class = self.strip_pseudo_item(css_class=css_class) return css_class.endswith(self.importance_designator)
[docs] def strip_priority_designator(self, css_class=''): """ Removes the priority designator, if necessary. :raises ValueError: If the css_class is empty or only contain whitespace values. :type css_class: str :param css_class: A css_class that may or may not contain a priority designator. :return: (str) -- If necessary, strip priority designator from the end of css_class and return the string. If the importance_designator is not found, then it returns the unchanged css_class. >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser() >>> property_parser.strip_priority_designator('blink-i') 'blink' >>> property_parser.strip_priority_designator('blink') 'blink' >>> property_parser.strip_priority_designator('') ValueError >>> property_parser.strip_priority_designator(' ') ValueError """ if self.is_important(css_class=css_class): return css_class[:-len(self.importance_designator)] else: return css_class
[docs] def get_property_priority(self, css_class=''): """ Returns the keyword ``'important'`` or ``''``. These are in the form that ``cssutils`` understands. :raises ValueError: If the css_class is empty or only contain whitespace values. :type css_class: str :param css_class: An encoded css class selector that may contain property name, value, and priority designator. :return: (str) -- Returns the keyword ``important`` if the property priority is set to important. Otherwise, it returns ''. >>> property_parser = ClassPropertyParser() >>> property_parser.get_property_priority('text-align-center-i') 'important' >>> property_parser.get_property_priority('text-align-center') '' >>> property_parser.get_property_priority('') ValueError >>> property_parser.get_property_priority(' ') ValueError """ css_class = self.strip_pseudo_item(css_class=css_class) return 'important' if self.is_important(css_class=css_class) else ''
[docs] def is_valid_pseudo_format(self, pseudo_item='', css_class=''): """ Returns True if the CSS class contains a properly formatted pseudo class or element, and False otherwise. **Rules** - The ``css_class`` may end with '-' + pseudo_item. Example prefix: ``color-green-i-hover`` - The ``css_class`` may end with '-' + pseudo_item + '-i'. Example prefix: ``color-green-hover-i`` - The ``css_class`` must be longer than the suffix or suffix + '-i'. :type pseudo_item: str :type css_class: str :param pseudo_item: Either a pseudo class or pseudo element as defined `here <>`__ :param css_class: This value may or may not be identical to the property_value. :return: *bool* -- Returns True if the CSS class contains the pseudo item, and False otherwise. """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=pseudo_item, variable_name='pseudo_item') deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=css_class, variable_name='css_class') suffix = '-' + pseudo_item isuffix = suffix + self.importance_designator if css_class.endswith(suffix) and len(css_class) > len(suffix): # '-i-hover' case return True if css_class.endswith(isuffix) and len(css_class) > len(isuffix): # '-hover-i' case return True return False
[docs] def set_pseudo_class(self, css_class=''): """ Check the pseudo class set for a match. Sets ``pseudo_class`` if found. Otherwise, returns ''. :raises ValueError: If either property_name or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type css_class: str :param css_class: This value may or may not be identical to the property_value. :return: None """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=css_class, variable_name='css_class') self.pseudo_class = '' for pseudo_class in pseudo_classes: if self.is_valid_pseudo_format(pseudo_class, css_class): self.pseudo_class = pseudo_class
[docs] def set_pseudo_element(self, css_class=''): """ Check the pseudo element set for a match. Sets the ``pseudo_element`` if found. Otherwise, returns ''. :raises ValueError: If either property_name or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type css_class: str :param css_class: This value may or may not be identical to the property_value. :return: None """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=css_class, variable_name='css_class') self.pseudo_element = '' for pseudo_element in pseudo_elements: if self.is_valid_pseudo_format(pseudo_element, css_class): self.pseudo_element = pseudo_element
[docs] def strip_pseudo_item(self, css_class=''): """ Strip property name from css_class if applicable and return the css_class. *Note:* This method must be called after ``strip_property_name()``. :raises ValueError: If either pseudo_item or css_class are empty or only contain whitespace values. :type css_class: str :param css_class: _value. :return: (str) -- Returns the encoded property value portion of the css_class. **Examples:** >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_pseudo_item('hover-padding-1-2-1-2') '1-2-1-2' >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_pseudo_item('before-bold') 'bold' >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_pseudo_item('after-1-2-1-2') ValueError >>> ClassPropertyParser.strip_pseudo_item(' ') ValueError """ deny_empty_or_whitespace(string=css_class, variable_name='css_class') self.set_pseudo_class(css_class=css_class) self.set_pseudo_element(css_class=css_class) if self.pseudo_class: # Prepend '-' to property to match the class format. pseudo_item = '-' + self.pseudo_class return css_class.replace(pseudo_item, '') elif self.pseudo_element: pseudo_item = '-' + self.pseudo_element return css_class.replace(pseudo_item, '') else: # No pseudo encoding found. return css_class