Source code for blowdrycss_settings

**Usage Notes:**

The first time ``blowdrycss`` is run it auto-builds ```` via ````.
This makes it easy to find and customize related settings.

**Why such a long name? --**

Popular web frameworks such as django and flask already auto-generate a settings file called ````.
The longer more specific name is used to prevent naming conflicts, and increase clarity.


| markdown_directory (*string*) -- Generally used for development purposes and github documentation.

| project_directory (*string*) -- Path to recursively search for all defined ``file_types``.

| css_directory (*string*) -- Path where the projects CSS files are located.

| docs_directory (*string*) -- Path where Sphinx docs are located (requires sphinx to be installed and run).

| output_file_name (*string*) -- Name of the generated output file contain DRY CSS definitions.

| output_extension (*string*) -- File extension of the generated output file. Must begin with '.'

| file_types = (*tuple of strings*) -- All file types/extensions to search for in the defined project_directory
  that contain encoded class selectors.

  *Example format:* ::

    ('*.html', )

| timing_enabled (*bool*) -- Run performance timer to see the performance of ``blowdrycss``.

| markdown_docs (*bool*) -- Generate a markdown files that provides a quick syntax and clashing alias reference.
  Normally set to False except when posting to github.

| html_docs (*bool*) -- Generate a html file that provides a quick syntax and clashing alias reference.

| rst_docs (*bool*) -- Generate a sphinx rst file that provides a quick syntax and clashing alias reference.

| human_readable (*bool*) -- Generate a standard human readable css file. This file is named ``blowdry.css`` by

| minify (*bool*) -- Generate a minified version of the css file. This file is named ``blowdry.min.css`` by default.

| media_queries_enabled (*bool*) -- Generate breakpoint and scaling media queries.

| use_em (*bool*) -- A ``pixels`` to ``em`` unit conversion flag. True enables unit conversion.
  False disables unit conversions meaning any pixel value remains unchanged.

| base (*int*) -- Base used for unit conversion (typically set to 16). The pixel value will be divided by
  ``base`` during unit conversion.

| xxsmall (*tuple of floats*) -- (0px, upper limit in pixels)

| xsmall (*tuple of floats*) -- (xxsmall upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| small (*tuple of floats*) -- (xsmall upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| medium (*tuple of floats*) -- (small upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| large (*tuple of floats*) -- (medium upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| xlarge (*tuple of floats*) -- (large upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| xxlarge (*tuple of floats*) -- (xlarge upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| giant (*tuple of floats*) -- (xxlarge upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| xgiant (*tuple of floats*) -- (giant upper limit + 1px, upper limit in pixels)

| xxgiant (*tuple of floats*) -- (xgiant upper limit + 1px, 1E+6) [Technically the upper limit is infinity,
  but CSS does not permit it.]

**Custom Alias Syntax:**

| custom_property_alias_dict (*dict*) -- Contains customized shorthand encodings for a CSS property name.
  e.g. ``'c-'`` is an alias for ``'color'``. This saves on typing.

| These encoded class selectors can be used inside of Web project files matching ``file_type``.
  They can be customized to your liking.

| For more details about how to create custom aliases head on over to :doc:`advancedtopics`.

**cssutils Patch:**

``cssutils`` does not currently support all CSS 3 Units.  The patch in this file allows length units of
``q``, ``ch``, ``rem``, ``vw``, ``vh``, ``vmin``, and ``vmax``. It also allows angle units of ``turn``.


# python 2
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
from builtins import round
# builtins
from os import chdir, getcwd, path
from string import digits
# plugins
from cssutils import profile

__author__ = 'chad nelson'
__project__ = 'blowdrycss'

# Set project_directory to the one containing the files you want to DRY out.
# In this case it is set to the "examplesite" by default for demonstration purposes.
# Change to whatever you want.
# Note that this section differs from the settings file built on the users machine.
original_directory = getcwd()
chg = path.join('..')
chdir(chg)                                                  # Navigate up one directory relative to this script.
cwd = getcwd()
markdown_directory = cwd                                    # Shows up in root of github repository.
project_directory = path.join(cwd, 'examplesite')
css_directory = path.join(project_directory, 'css')
docs_directory = path.join(cwd, 'docs')
chdir(original_directory)                                   # Reset current working directory.

# Output File
output_file_name = 'blowdry'
output_extension = '.css'                                   # Must begin with '.' Could be anything .scss, .less, etc.

# Logging
logging_enabled = True
logging_level = INFO                                        # Allowed: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
log_to_console = False
log_to_file = True
log_directory = path.join(cwd, 'log')
log_file_name = 'blowdrycss.log'
one_mega_byte = 1048576
log_file_size = 4 * one_mega_byte                           # Max log file size
log_backup_count = 1                                        # Maximum number of backup log files.

# All file types/extensions to search for in the defined project_directory that contain encoded class selectors.
# Available formats:
# ('*.html', '*.js', '*.ts', '*.vue', '*.jinja', '*.jinja2', '*.jnj', '*.ja', '*.djt', '*.djhtml',
#  '*.cs', '*.aspx', '*.ascx', '*.master', '*.erb', '*.php', )
file_types = ('*.html', )

# Timing
time_limit = 1800               # Frequency of a comprehensive run in seconds. See timing.LimitTimer() for details.

# Boolean Flags
auto_generate = True            # Auto-generate blowdry.css when a file that matches files_types is saved. (Watchdog)
hide_css_errors = True          # Hide errors and warnings generated by cssutils.
timing_enabled = True           # Run performance timer
markdown_docs = False           # Generate a markdown files that provides a quick syntax and clashing alias reference.
html_docs = True                # Generate a html file that provides a quick syntax and clashing alias reference.
rst_docs = False                # Generate a sphinx rst file that provides a quick syntax and clashing alias reference.
human_readable = True           # Generate a standard human readable css file.
minify = True                   # Generate a minified version of the css file.
media_queries_enabled = True    # Generate breakpoint and scaling media queries.

# ...Not Implemented Yet...
# use_hex = True                # Using hex and browser performance:
# extra_dry = False             # Combine identical CSS discovered under different class selector names.
# http_server = False           # Auto-Start a simple web server on localhost:8080.
# public_url = False            # Uses ngrok to generate a temporary public url for testings and demo purposes.
# condense_classes = False      # Edits HTML Files after discovering common patterns (Not DRY do not implement).

# Unit Conversion Defaults
use_em = True
base = 16

[docs]def px_to_em(pixels): """ Convert a numeric value from px to em using ``settings.base`` as the unit conversion factor. **Rules:** - ``pixels`` shall only contain [0-9.-]. - Inputs that contain any other value are simply passed through unchanged. - Default ``base`` is 16 meaning ``16px = 1rem`` **Note:** Does not check the ``property_name`` or ``use_em`` values. Rather, it blindly converts whatever input is provided. The calling method is expected to know what it is doing. Rounds float to a maximum of 4 decimal places. :type pixels: str, int, float :param pixels: A numeric value with the units stripped. :return: (str) - If the input is convertible return the converted number as a string with the units ``em`` appended to the end. - If the input is not convertible return the unprocessed input. >>> from blowdrycss_settings import px_to_em >>> # settings.use_em = True >>> px_to_em(pixels='-16.0') -1em >>> # settings.use_em = False >>> px_to_em(pixels='42px') 42px >>> # Invalid input passes through. >>> px_to_em(pixels='invalid') invalid """ if set(str(pixels)) <= set(digits + '-.'): em = float(pixels) / float(base) em = round(em, 4) em = str(em) + 'em' # Add 'em'. return em return pixels
# Default Screen Breakpoints / Transition Triggers # Tuple Format (Lower Limit, Upper Limit) in pixels. # Note: These values change if unit conversion is enabled i.e. ``use_em`` is ``True``. # Common Screen Resolutions: xxsmall = (px_to_em(0), px_to_em(120)) # 0.0 - 7.5em xsmall = (px_to_em(121), px_to_em(240)) # 7.5625 - 15.0em small = (px_to_em(241), px_to_em(480)) # 15.0625 - 30.0em medium = (px_to_em(481), px_to_em(720)) # 30.0625 - 45.0em # Typical mobile device break point @ 720px. large = (px_to_em(721), px_to_em(1024)) # 45.0625 - 64.0em xlarge = (px_to_em(1025), px_to_em(1366)) # 64.0625 - 85.375em xxlarge = (px_to_em(1367), px_to_em(1920)) # 85.4375 - 120.0em giant = (px_to_em(1921), px_to_em(2560)) # 120.0625 - 160.0em xgiant = (px_to_em(2561), px_to_em(2800)) # 160.0625 - 175.0em xxgiant = (px_to_em(2801), px_to_em(10**6)) # 175.0625 - float("inf")) # Python 2.x representation of Infinity. # Custom CSS Property Syntax custom_property_alias_dict = { 'background': {'bg-', }, 'background-color': {'bgc-', 'bg-c-', 'bg-color-', }, 'color': {'c-', }, 'font-size': {'fsize-', 'f-size-', }, 'font-weight': {'fweight-', 'f-weight-', }, 'height': {'h-', }, 'margin': {'m-', }, 'margin-top': {'m-top-', }, 'margin-bottom': {'m-bot-', }, 'padding': {'p-', 'pad-', }, 'padding-top': {'p-top-', }, 'position': {'pos-', }, 'text-align': {'talign-', 't-align-', }, 'vertical-align': {'valign-', 'v-align-', }, 'width': {'w-', }, } # Patches cssutils - Generally this does not need to be edited. profile._MACROS['length'] = r'0|{num}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|q|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax)' profile._MACROS['positivelength'] = r'0|{positivenum}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|q|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax)' profile._MACROS['angle'] = r'0|{num}(deg|grad|rad|turn)' profile._resetProperties()